Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Reflections on Yesterday and Assignments for 4/27/10

Hello Families,

I hope the children enjoyed yesterday just half as much as I did. Then I know they will have had a great time. Our tour guide at Penn Center was amazing. He graduated from the Penn School in the late 1940s. He walked our legs off and I imagine him to be 70 at least. The place is beautiful and so peaceful. The children's behavior was outstanding. The first 20 minutes were spent watching a video and they remained very quiet and respectful throughout. (Although we had just watched a long video of MLK making his "I Have A Dream . . ." speech) I'm very proud of them. Please plan another longer outing there. There were many trees that needed climbing and a leisurely picnic under the shade trees is a must.

We had a good latin lesson before leaving. I hope the students had some fuzziness from last week cleared up. Have your student explain two things from Bible. How fat was the king that was killed and what cycle did the Israelites fall into. Oh, and what does it mean to "compartmentalize" our lives.

Enjoy Spring in the Lowcountry and I will see you Tuesday!

Mrs. Tkach

1. Read Chapter 59 in the Bible Story Book
2. Please catch up your History reading. Several children mentioned they did not have time to read chapters 37 and 38 for yesterday. We will not press on into ch. 39 for next time but, instead, will spend time learning about the Viet Nam War.
3. Finish reading the MLK book.
4. Continue practicing Week 23 memory work.
5. Complete Lesson 23 in Latin. Write the new words for Lesson 24 three times each. (Answers will be emailed.)

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