Tuesday, February 2, 2010

assignments for 2/9/10

Good Evening!

A note about report cards. I was a bit out of my league because I designed the report cards (not my area of expertise). Next was filling them in which is always difficult. I have two to put in the mail tomorrow and I'm sorry to those families that I didn't have them ready today. A part I left off is the following key: E=Excellent, S=Satisfactory, N=Needs Improvement, and U=Unsatisfactory. Study Skills is a vague area that just entails if your student seems ready for class each week. Also, in subjects like Science and Geography that don't have homework, everyone received an S. I hope these give you a snapshot of your students work and will be helpful to you. Please contact me with any questions.

I AM EXHAUSTED! I don't even know why--it was a great day. Two huge highlights were visiting Mrs. Fowler's class to hear Mr. Charles Aimar, 92 years old, tell about the Great Depression in Beaufort. He was awesome! I was so proud of my students and their polite behavior during a long session. We also "showed off" for the entire school our memory work. I spoke with Mrs. Fowler this evening and she told her class not to even hint about complaining about some memory work she plans to require of them after hearing my students today.

Here are some hints to use as you have your student tell you about the highlights of our day: baking soda, incense, spleen, Mao Zedong, "Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?", the Holy of Holies, spending a dime on the movies.

Enjoy your week!

Mrs. Tkach

1. Read chapter 41 in the Bible Story Book.
2. Read Chapters 6--12 in The Bread Winner.
3. Read Chapters 27 in SOTW.
4. Complete Lesson 16 in Latin. Here is a suggested schedule for the week:
Wednesday: Complete exercises B and C
Thursday: Complete exercise D
Friday: Complete exercises E and F
Monday: Complete exercise G and write lesson 17's vocab and meanings three times.

Answers to Latin Exercises for after you've completed Lesson 16 this week:
A. 1. Jesus
2. Christ, Christmas
3. diurnal/natal, nativity
4. no answer
5. angelic, angel
6. magician, magic
7. infant
8. ruby
9. viridian
10. ass, asinine
11. glory
B. 1. ruber
2. Iesus
3. angelus
4. dies natalis
5. infans
6. viridis
7. gloria
8. praesepe
9. magus
10. asinus
11. Christus
C. Christian--Christus
D. See Lesson 1,8,5,10,2,6,9,12,14, and 15 in that order to fill in the charts
E. 1. asinus
2. stabulum
3. infans
4. praesepe
5. Iesus
6. angelus
7. pastores
8. oves
9. pastores
10. infans
11. Magi
12. stella
13. Iesus
14. gloria
15. Iesus
16. Christus

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